Saturday, December 21, 2013


This term I did a little homage to Christian Boltanski. I did some research behind Boltanski's use of found photography, his view on the gallery space and how humans cope with trauma and memory, as well as Brian O'Doherty's writings on the white cube. From one photograph (1973), I cropped out 16 individual faces (center), and repeatedly layered them on top of each other. 


There are 60 black and white lithograph prints in total.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Crow

My printmaking professor this past semester proposed an alpha-bestiary project, so I chose to do some research on the local crow population in Kitchener Waterloo and do some non-toxic intaglio copper plate etching. 

Mixing for a nice maroon ink

They gather in large roosts for the winter nights along Seagram and University (and sometimes even further down closer to ECH on campus). Research by Kevin J McGowan ( provided some great insight into their behaviour and intelligence, which is actually not sinister at all but very intelligent and interesting. 

Some fun with chine-colle and japanese paper

I've never actually scratched right into a copper plate before for etching, it's kind of difficult to see what you're doing but it's definitely worth it. This is pretty much the simplest way to go about it so I would eventually try drawing into a soft ground vs this hard ground, aquatinting for some texture and gradients would be a fun challenge as well. 
Also a great big thanks to the map library we have on campus! They had some great map imaging resources from 1930 I believe to 2006. 


Studio Doodles

Some doodles from this studio semester that I did out of mostly boredom, but they did help to inspire some creativity for the semester.

My little inspiration wall.


Kid wolf



 We also did a lovely little project as a class where we made our own sketchbooks from scratch. Everything had to be done in a weekend so the content is really experimental but it did kickstart my passion for bookmaking. :) Thanks to Sara D for the photos.

Thanks to Sara Deeming for the photo